Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh Canada-24 hours in Ottawa

On Friday morning me, Annick and Kristin hopped in the car and drove over to Ottawa for a sort of party fund-raiser for our friend, Joelle's University of Ottawa Law Faculty. The drive was fun. So much laughing in fact, that Kristen spit a healthy sip of her Tim Horton's Ice Cap on her steering wheel.

It was funny and sticky.

The drive was that Spring sunshine on dead tree kind of way. It was a lot more rural than I was expecting. I thought it would be town after town after giant box store complex but from Montreal to Ottawa it felt like we were driving to the lake. Ah..I miss the lake...

This was our very first glimpse of Parliament upon arriving in the city after our 2,5 hour drive. Spontaneous clapping erupted. We literally arrived the minute the election dropped around 2:20pm.

Here's me thinking I would never be this excited to see Ottawa but it really was amazing to finally see Parliament.

 We picked up Jo from school and made her drive-with her eyes closed-to pick up some sushi before we had to catch the bus to this wild party in the country.

We took very few photos at the actual cabane à sucre, which is probably a good thing. We had an amazing meal followed by a great time with this hilarious three piece Quebecois band that started the night playing old school French-Canadian songs. Actually, they had just gotten back from Festival du Voyageur. They played songs like l'Arbre est dans ses Feuilles, Chevaliers de la Table Ronde ect..

We were definitely the only ones there who were not from the Law Faculty. But it was fine, people were super nice. For the first half of the night everyone was sitting, drinking, clapping, singing and yelling with the band. But after a while, I couldnt take it anymore, I had to get up and dance. Sure enough, within seconds, the entire group was up and dancing. Sometimes it takes a Communications Major to get the party started I guess.

End of a super fun night, just before the bus came to pick us up. This is foggy for me...

That night, on our way home, I had my first McDonalds cheeseburger since moving to Montreal. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life.

The next morning, leaving Joelle's place was not easy. We were in a standoff with this old grumpy cat for like 5 whole minutes. It was so scary and gross. But eventually we got out.

Lunch at this amazing little Bistro in Ottawa. One of the best sandwiches of my life. Sandwiches ARE beautiful.

After lunch it was off for a mini-tour of Ottawa..

Yes, it was another pink pants day. I swear, I dont wear these everyday!

Jumping in mid-air picture Fail #1

Jumping in mid-air picture Fail #2...double scarf, jegging reveal fail


Keep your eye on the tourist on the left....

We have no idea.

And he arrives. He just couldnt help himself, I guess. 

Byward Market

1 comment:

  1. Was the band called La ligue du bonheur by any chance. If so we saw them at the beard growing contest. They were really good, i bought their cd for work.
    Great pictures. maman
